






Rabbi Rachmiel Tobesman


Psalm 102

A  Prayer of the Afflicted

A prayer of the afflicted overwhelmed, pouring out his complaint before the Lord...

Listen to my prayer, Lord; hear my cry. Hide not Your Presence from me in the day of my distress. For my days are consumed like smoke, my body is burning up as if with fever.  I am stricken, withered like grass; I do not have the strength to eat.  My skin hangs on my bones; bitterly I moan. I am like an owl in the wilderness, living in the ruins. I cannot sleep. I mourn in solitude like a lone sparrow on a rooftop. All day long my enemies taunt me; they use my name for a curse.

My food is ashes on my tongue what I drink is mixed with tears, because of Your wrath and Your fury. Once You exalted me, but now You have cast me down. My days  are  as  brief  as  an  evening shadow, and   I  am withering away  like  grass. But You, 0 Lord, are enthroned forever; Your name endures throughout all generations.

He has drained my strength, He has shortened my days, until I cry: "My God, take me not away before my days are done, You whose days endure throughout all generations."

You established the earth of old; the heavens are the work of Your hands. They shall perish, but You shall endure. They shall wear out like a garment; You change them like clothing and they pass away. But You are eternal   Your years have no end.   Your servant’s children live in Your Presence; their posterity shall endure.

From Psalm 102 (1-13, 24--29)



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