








Yahrzeit Candle Blessing

Thought on Lighting the Yahzeit Candle

At this moment, which bears the memory of our beloved _______________, let us join hands in love and remembrance.  A link has been broken in the chain that has bound us together, yet strong bonds of home and love hold us each to the other.

We give thanks for the blessing of life, of companionship, and of memory.  We are grateful for the strength and faith that sustained us in the hour of our bereavement.  Though sorrow lingers, we have learned that love is stronger than death.  Though our loved one is beyond our sight, we do not despair for we sense our beloved in our hearts as a living presence.

Sustained by words of faith, comforted by precious memories, we kindle the light in remembrance.  “The human spirit is the light of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being.” (Proverbs 20:27).  As this light is pure and clear, so may the blessed memory of the goodness and nobility of character of _______________ lift up our souls to holy deeds in their honour.




Jewish Funeral