

Mourning and Grief




Proverbs 10:7 ­ "the remembrance of a saint is a blessing" ­ to mean that any mention of a saint, such as by telling a story about him, brings a double blessing.

Religious stories always have an underlying purpose, which is to inspire people with faith and communicate wisdom and values.

A prime requirement for religious storytelling is the realization and conviction that holy stories are not "simply stories" like any others. A person who does not sense their profound difference from profane stories-regardless of the latter's excellence or charm-is not fit to tell them. First, a storyteller with religious integrity will not pander to an audience, cutting and trimming tales to fit their taste. Second, a storyteller does not have a free hand to change things at will.

The difference between one storyteller and another; I have seen how a holy storyteller-someone on a high spiritual level-can take a story that I am familiar with, that appears to my eyes plain and dull, and can, so to speak, open it up to reveal its hidden light until it glows with holy charm.

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 Flawed Stone

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