The people of a certain faraway land had a custom that every year they would go out to the main road which led to their country, and when they spotted a stranger approaching, they would crown him as their king. This newly appointed king would then decide all the matters of the land.
At the year’s end, they would remove him from his throne and drive him out of the kingdom. Stripped of his royalty, he would leave just as he had come. The people would then go out to the main road once again and find themselves a new king. This situation repeated itself year after year.
Once a very poor man happened to be travelling along the main road. While he owned no money he had great wisdom and an amazing range of knowledge. Suddenly, he saw a great parade of joyful and excited people heading his way. Before he even had a moment to understand the cause behind the excitement, he was dressed in noble robes and a royal crown was placed upon his head. He was brought directly to the royal palace in the capital city, where he was installed as king for the coming year with an elaborate coronation.
Thinking about the strange events that had taken place, the king summoned one of his ministers, who offered him a detailed explanation of the land’s custom.
“Amazing,” thought the king. “It seems that after a year, I will once again be a penniless beggar. How interesting…”