There are many paths people walk. Along the way there are many wonders and adventures. Many will discover treasures that they did not know they had….
There once was a poor man. He worked everyday from sun up to sun down, but no matter how hard he worked, he could not earn enough to support his family. One night he dreamed that there was a great treasure under a bridge in a faraway village. In the morning he told his wife of his dream and she said that maybe this was a good sign and that he should travel to the faraway village.
He traveled to the faraway village and stood near the bridge, and watched as people walked across the bridge. Towards evening the traffic on the bridge had slowed to nothing. So the poor man decided to go and get the treasure.

As he stepped onto the bridge he saw an officer coming from the opposite side. The poor man decided that no matter what he would tell the truth. The officer passed by and asked,
“I see that you are a stranger here, What is your business?”
The man decided that it would be best to tell the whole story and ask for help, hoping that [the officer] would share the treasure with him. He told the officer the entire story.
The officer replied,
“A poor person is only concerned with dreams! I also had a dream. In my dream I saw an old house with a red door and the window on the right was cracked. Inside the house was a woman and children crying because they had no food. Now in this house is an old iron stove and on the stove was a beat up copper kettle and behind the stove there is a hole in the wall. In that hole there is a treasure.”
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In relating his dream, the officer accurately described the poor man’s house. He rushed home, and tried to push the iron stove, but he couldn’t. He called his wife and they both pushed and pushed and were only able to push the stove a little. The children joined and soon the stove was pushed away from the wall and sure enough there was a hole in the wall and they found a treasure of golden coins.
The poor man noted, “Now I know that I had the treasure all along. But in order to find it, I had to travel to the faraway village.”
The same is true in serving the Holy One, Blessed be He. Each person has the treasure, but in order to find it, he must travel to a teacher or guide.
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. (Joel 1:3)