What is the meaning of the verse, “In that day you will say, ‘I give thanks to You, O G-d, for you were angry with me, and now Your anger has diminished, and You have comforted me'” (Isaiah 12:1).
It once happened that two merchants, who were good friends, agreed to set out on a journey to a faraway city to go to a fair to buy wares to sell in their village. They equipped themselves with all the needs and supplies for the voyage. Together they made their way to the docks to board a ship. As they walked through the streets, one of them stumbled and hurt his leg so badly that he was unable to go on the journey.

The ship had weighed anchor and unfurled its sails and was ready to set sail and could not wait for the unfortunate merchant to heal from his wound. So his friend went with all the other merchants, while the merchant who had fallen and became injured remained behind, bitter and angry. He was very angry at his bad luck because he had injured his leg and could not travel with the other merchants. His anger and bitterness of losing all the profit he might have made from the journey was so great that he complained and freely cursed the ways of Heaven.
After some time news came that the ship had sunk in the sea, and all the merchants with in it lost. When the injured merchant heard what had happened, he began to give thanks to the Holy One, blessed be He by whose kindness he had fallen and injured his leg. The merchant realized that if he had gone on the ship he would have been lost with all the other merchants. The merchant regretted all the curses and complaints he had made and repented for all the things he had said of Heaven. The merchant began to praise and extol the wonders of Heaven. That’s why it says in the Book of Isaiah, “Your anger has subsided and You have comforted me.”
What is meant by the verse, “G-d Who alone does wondrous things; blessed is His glorious Name forever” (Psalms 72:18,19)? Even the person for whom the miracle is performed is unaware of the miracle, only G-d knows it.
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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