Onkelos was a member of the Roman royal family. His mother was Hadrian’s sister and his father was called Klonikas. He was very educated and well-versed in all the Roman and Greek philosophy and beliefs. He was blessed not only with an enquiring mind, a pure heart and a lofty soul.
Once, Onkelos spoke to his uncle, the emperor, Hadrian saying: ” I have studied for many years and have become familiar with all the languages of the Empire and seven sciences. But what have I gained from it all? It is time for me to go out into the world and start doing business. You know that I am not familiar with worldly things, whereas you the great Roman Emperor are well-versed in worldly affairs. I have therefore come to ask your advice as to what kind of material I should buy and sell?”

Hadrian was greatly flattered that his wise nephew should ask his advice and he said: “My vast treasures are at your disposal. Take as much as you need for business. I would advise you to seek material that is extremely inexpensive due to the fact that people do not realize its worth; material that few people are seeking: You will be able to buy it cheaply and after explaining its real value to people you will be able to make a nice profit!”
Onkelos the Prince soon left the imperial palace in Rome. He had heard that there were many treasures and wonderous goods to be found in the faraway city of Jerusalem, in the land of Judah. Once there, he searched the marketplace for goods and frequently spoke to many of the people he met. There was in the marketplace a necromancer who told Onkelos he could help him in his quest. The young Roman prince, Onkelos was curious and agreed to let the necromancer show him his destiny. The necromancer explained he would call upon three spirits for Onkelos to question and that within the answers will be his future.
After hearing the words spoken by the spirits, Onkelos took upon himself the religion of the persecuted Jewish people. Like the Moabite princess, Ruth, he left the ways of his fathers and gave himself over entirely to the holy words of the Torah (Scriptures). He set out to learn day and night until he became well-versed in all the secrets of the Torah (Scriptures).

After a short time Hadrian found out that his nephew had accepted the Jewish religion and had become one of the leading Jewish scholars in the holy city of Jerusalem. The Emperor was beside himself with rage, and he sent a company of soldiers to arrest Onkelos and to bring him in chains to Rome.
When the Roman soldiers arrived, Onkelos greeted them in a friendly manner and he talked to them telling them that we are taught, “You shall not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18). His words impressed them so much that the soldiers threw themselves at his feet and begged him to teach them, they soon joined the Jewish people, as he had done himself.
When Hadrian saw that his soldiers did not return, he sent another company of brave warriors with instructions to bring Onkelos in chains.
This time he gave orders not to have any discussions with Onkelos, but to arrest him on the spot and bring him to Rome, because Hadrian had heard what had happened to his first messengers.
Onkelos again warmly received the imperial messengers. “I know that the Emperor forbade you to have any discussions with me. You must obey the emperor’s orders; I also obeyed him; I will therefore ask you one question: you know very well what goes on in the Roman, imperial Court. The common soldier carries the torch for the officer; the officer carries it for the captain; the captain for the general and the general for the emperor. Tell me, for whom does the emperor carry the torch?”
“The emperor is not obliged to serve anyone,” they answered him. “He is the highest authority in the country!”
Though the soldiers did not speak with him, Onkelos continued, “Take a look the G-d of Israel, the Creator of heaven and earth, the G-d over everything, in spite of His greatness, still deemed it fit to lighten the way for His servants, the Jewish people as it is written ‘And the L-rd went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night’ (Exodus 13:21) for forty years in the wilderness.”
These words made a great impression on the soldiers, and they immediately gave up their mission and became faithful students of Onkelos.
Once more, Hadrian sent a company of troops with high officers at the head, with the express orders not to say one word to Onkelos and not to answer any questions, but to arrest him immediately, and bring him to Rome bound in chains.
The messengers arrived and started to carry out the emperor’s orders without delay. They led him out of his house. At the door Onkelos stopped, reached up to the doorpost, and joyfully kissed the Mezuzah.

The messengers gazed at him in wonder, and could not restrain themselves from asking him:
“What does that thing on the door symbolize, and why are you so happy at being taken to Rome, where your uncle will surely have you executed?”
“I laugh at foolish people. A king sits in his palace and has guards around him to protect him from danger. But the Jewish King, the L-rd of the World, the King above all kings allows his servants to sit quietly at home and He protects them from outside. That is the Mezuzah on our door!”
The royal messengers fell entirely under the influence of Onkelos’s words and it did not take long before they also became his faithful disciples.
When Hadrian saw that he would not be able to bring his nephew by force, he decided that there must be some special reason for all this. He had a strong desire to see his nephew, so he swore that no harm would befall him if he would come to visit him.
Onkelos started out for Rome. When he presented himself to the Emperor, he was surprised to see that Onkelos had lost much weight. Onkelos assured him that he had gained much Torah (Scriptures) and wisdom. Hadrian then asked him why he had left his home, and his people and accepted the religion of a small nation that was persecuted and ill-treated by all the other nations of the world?
“I listened to your good advice,” Onkelos answered him with a smile. “You advised me to buy a material for which there are few customers. I traveled throughout the world and I could not find anything that has fewer customers than the Jewish people, their teachings and beliefs. I bought it and I found that I had made a bargain. The holy Jewish Prophets have promised that the poor persecuted Jewish people will become a nation of princes; that the kings throughout the world will consider themselves honored to serve them; and the Torah (Scriptures), which is now down-trodden, will be recognized by all nations, and Jerusalem will be the lighthouse of the whole world.
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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