There was once a very educated man who studied the sciences and the art of debate. He believed that science held the answers to everything that could be asked. Many times he would make fun of religious people. He felt their belief in something that could not be defined by numbers of the laws of science were foolish and superstitious. He felt prayer was a waste of breath and amounted to nothing. It was very clear that he doubted the value of prayer and Holy Names, and many thought he did not believe in them at all.
Now it came about toward the end of his life that a certain man from a faraway land was possessed by a daemon. This very educated man mocked at those who alleged that a daemon had possessed that man, and thought them superstitious fools who would believe anything. He declared: “This is a natural illness, a form of a medical disorder of the brain.”
In order to make the truth clear to him, he was told: “Indeed, you will see a remarkable thing.” This man was lying on his bed without any sensation and in his hand people placed many things and various written documents; and he did not move or feel anything at all.
Then they placed in his hand a certain paper on which the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He was written. This is a Name which is not known to those who interpret the Bible text literally, since they recognize only the ten divine Names that are found there. As soon as this paper was placed in his hand the man cried aloud and flung the paper away with great force, though his eyes were closed and he could see nothing.
Then they placed in his hand an herb which is called
the beauty of the mountain
No sooner did the herb touch his hand, he flung away forcibly, and a voice could be heard, but not like the first time. They placed the paper on which the Name of the Holy One, blessed be He was written and the herb in the hand of the possessed man as they constantly prayed many times during the next 6 days, on the eve of the seventh day which was the Holy Sabbath Day, the man opened his eyes and asked for the blessed wine and hallowed bread. The daemon that possessed him was gone.
The very educated man could not respond at all, and he admitted that none of his knowledge of science could explain what had happened. Then the very educated man admitted the power of prayer and Holy Names and was not ashamed to do so.
A Medieval Tale from Lombardi
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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Господь – мой пастырь; у меня не будет нужды. На зеленых пастбищах Господь укладывает меня ведет меня вдоль тихих вод, направляет меня на путях справедливости и возрождает душу мою во имя славы своей. Хотя иду я через долину теней смерти , не устрашусь зла, ибо Ты со мной. Посох Твой и опора Твоя утешают меня. Ты готовишь мне стол в виду врагов моих, Ты умащаешь голову мою елеем; чаша моя полна. Пусть благость и милость сопутствуют мне во все дни жизни моей, и пребуду я в доме Господнем вовеки.
I like this story a lot. Today every one has a cell phone or access to the internet, Hardly anyone thinks about prayer. For a long time in my country we had to prayer in private beacuse out side demonstration of religion was against the law. I like the Jew stories they show me beauty of religion and how to pray