This was originally posted in April 2011, this is based on that post with some changes.
One prayer unites Jewish people around the world, the Shema. Everyday in every Jewish community the words of the Shema are said: Hear O Israel, the L-rd is Our G-d, the Lord is One.
Many rabbis and many more people have pondered over the first sentence of the Shema. The Shema has become a declaration of the Jewish people, an affirmation of faith, a vital part of the prayer service, and meditation.
Every Jewish person can have a relationship with G-d as it says in the Shema “our G-d” Pesach is a time when Jewish people come together to read the Haggadah and celebrate this joyous holiday.
Before beginning his own Seder, the holy rabbi of the village would wander about the cottages of the local people to see how they conducted their Seders, As he walked down the cobblestoned alleys he could hear from all sides the voices of simple Jewish families singing and reciting the narrative of the Haggadah. He once stopped near the wooden shutters of one of the cottages and heard a voice reading aloud:
The Torah speaks of four sons: one wise son, one wicked son, one simple son, and one who does not know how to ask questions.”
And every time the reader came to the word for “one” — echad — he would cry it out aloud with prolonged concentration, just as people do when they say Shema Yisrael.
The holy rabbi was delighted, and commented later that this simple villager had made out of the Four Sons of the Haggadah — including even the wicked son — a sublime prayer, a prayer as sacred as the Shema.
There are always the scholars and learned in the community, but too many people drift away, and some never learned much, others search for meaning in Judaism, while a few corrupt or even ridicule Jewish teachings to their own purposes. No matter where one looks they will always find in the Jewish community the wise who follow the ways of Judaism, the wicked who deny their Jewishness, the simple who know they are Jewish and have limited understanding and those who do not even know how to ask questions to begin their search.
Every year we read the words of the Haggadah: “All who are hungry, let them come and eat. All who are needy, let them come and celebrate the Passover with us.” Let all of our prayers come together so that all Jewish people can unite as one and say the Shema and bring peace so that we can all celebrate Pesach in the Holy City of Jerusalem next year.
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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