Pinchas was a humble lumber merchant. He worked hard each day and with time, he became a wealthy man. At first, the community was pleased with his success, as his wealth was also good for the financial needs of the community. Sadly, little by little, Pinchas began to distance himself from the community and their needs.
The time came when Pinchas no longer felt comfortable living in the Jewish community, and he moved to the other side of town where he built himself a large, well-guarded mansion.
His new choice of residence curtailed his giving of charity even more. At first, if someone knocked on the door, they’d receive a small sum. But soon enough, his donations became less and less, until they stopped completely. The administrators of the community funds removed his name from their lists of potential benefactors.
It happened one wintery night when the cold winds blew hard that a traveler noticed the mezuzah on Pinchas’s door and knocked. Luckily for the traveler, Pinchas was not home and the butler, feeling sorry for him, let him in.
The guest soon recovered from the cold, and the butler promptly told him about his boss’s history and character. He suggested that he find other accommodations, as his master did not like guests.
As they were talking, they heard a carriage pull up, and in walked Pinchas, wrapped in his fur coat. His reaction to the guest was quick. “What is this? A way station for beggars? Get out of here now!” he shouted.
The next day, news spread that a stranger had died on the streets not far from Pinchas’s mansion. The story did not move Pinchas in the slightest. He knew who the person was, but he did not let it bother him.
That night, he had a dream. Two strong men broke into his house and began dragging him, saying, and “Come with us.”
Pinchas asked in surprise, “Where are we going?”
“To a court case held by the holy rabbi of the region.”
“But why?” Pinchas asked.
“Everything will be known to you at the right time,” they answered bluntly.
He soon found himself in a large yard surrounding a beautiful house. At first he was fascinated by the scene, but when he was brought inside to a packed room, fear began to overtake him as he heard the masses call out that a path be made for the chief judge, the holy rabbi of the region. The holy rabbi entered and took his seat in between two other judges who were already waiting.
Pinchas immediately recognized the plaintiff; it was the poor traveler from the previous night. The dead man began his accusation by recounting how hungry and weak he was when he stood at the door of the mansion, while Pinchas stood there still as a stone and ignored his pleading. The man outlined the last few minutes of his life after he was thrown out, including all the grim details. “My last ounce of energy left me, and there was no rescue for me. After many days of living on an empty stomach, my hunger and the bitter cold claimed the last of my strength.”
“Do you have anything to say in your defense?” asked the holy rabbi.
Pinchas was silent. For the first time he felt ashamed and was embarrassed by his actions.
After deliberating with the other judges, the holy rabbi of the region turned to Pinchas and said, “We are taught that ‘If there is among you anyone in need, a member of your community … do not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor.’ (Deuteronomy 15:7) Your actions are very serious and your punishment is severe. You should sell your property and divide it in two. One half you should give to the widow of the poor man, and the other half you should keep for your family. If you agree to this sentence, change your ways and open your doors to anyone who is poor, your soul will have a tikkun (restoration).”
Pinchas woke up soaked in a sweat. He tried to ignore the dream, pushing it out of his mind. But it kept coming back. It gave him no rest until he decided to travel to speak to the holy rabbi of the region.
When he arrived at the holy rabbi’s house, his heart started pounding. He remembered the courtyard and the house from his dream! His knees were shaking as he walked into the study hall; it looked exactly like the courtroom from his dream.
A large crowd was listening to a Torah (Scripture) lesson that was being given by the holy rabbi of the region. Under the cover of the crowd, Pinchas became more confident, and he tried to get a peek at the holy rabbi. He tried to ignore the dream, but it kept coming back. There was no doubt this was the chief judge from his dream.
Suddenly, a narrow path cleared. Pinchas didn’t understand the movement of the holy rabbi’s finger, gesturing for him to come forward. Those standing near him said, “The holy rabbi is summoning you.”
Pinchas felt faint. With shaky legs, he made his way up to the holy rabbi and came face to face with the holy rabbi of the region who said sharply, “almsgiving delivers from death, and it will purge away every sin. Those who perform deeds of charity and of righteousness will have fullness of life (Tobit 12:9). Remember to follow the verdict and you will merit a tikkun.”
At that moment, Pinchas passed out. And when he came to, he was a changed man. Pinchas knew with absolute certainty that he would do as he was told. He was filled with deep regret and wanted to correct his wicked ways and return to his community.
Based on Sichas haShavuah 607
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. (Joel 1:3)