So many questions are raised every day about faith and the most important questions are where to begin and where to find faith. The answers are not complicated or even elusive, and are withinin the reach of each person:
A great rabbi and his student, were once walking together along a country road. Suddenly a farmer came rushing up to them, begging them to help him.
He pointed to a large wagon in the distance and said urgently, “My wagon of hay has overturned and the hay has scattered. Can you lend me a hand?”
They looked at the scattered bundles of hay, shook their heads and said, “We cannot help you. It is a hopeless task.”
“Oh yes, you could,” said the farmer, “if you would only want to, you certainly could! You just don’t want to!”
He turned around and went back to the wagon where he began loading the hay on himself.

The older rabbi turned to his student and said, “Did you hear that farmer? He said that if we really wanted to, we could do the job. If we really were sincere about serving the Holy One, blessed be He, then nothing would stand in our way, nothing would seem impossible. Nothing would seem too difficult. But,” he sighed, “we don’t want to. That is why we make excuses and say that we cannot.”
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. (Joel 1:3)