There was a doctor in the village who was disliked and hated by a wealthy merchant. Now that merchant owed the doctor a large amount of money. When the doctor wished to bring the wealthy merchant before the court, the merchant declared: “Swear an oath to certify the debt and take the money or I shall take an oath to deny any money is owed and I shall not pay!” The doctor realized that when a man is bound to swear an oath to his fellow man, the court reminds those standing before it that the entire world, all of it, was shaken when the Holy One, blessed be He said at Sinai, “You shall not take the Name of the L-rd your G-d in vain” (Exod. 20:7) and he was not prepared to swear an oath.
The wealthy merchant loved his daughter very much and it came about that she became very sick, and the merchant sent a messenger to ask the doctor to heal her. The doctor went to the holy rabbi and said: “I know that if I say: I shall do nothing for you until you give me what you owe me—they will pay me everything at once.” The holy rabbi answered: “And what merit will you gain then? Let me ask, what will happen if they do not pay you? After all, it is written in Leviticus (19:16): ‘You shall not stand by the blood of your neighbor.’ You can deliver her from death, and if you do not heal her it will be as though you had murdered her.”
To which the doctor responded: “It is my way to ‘comfort the sufferer by the promise of healing’ (Manhig haRofeim c.960 ce) I know that if she dies they will claim that I slew her by witchcraft or treated her wrongly. This cannot be as we are taught that anyone ‘who sheds blood destroys the Divine image’ (Tosephta Yevamos 8.4) after all ‘G-d created man in His own image” (Genesis 1:27)
The holy rabbi thought for a moment and answered: “Tell me the treatment for the girl’s sickness and I shall apply it or tell the wealthy merchant what to do. If the treatment helps, I shall say that you had done it, and the Holy One, blessed be He sent healing to her at your hand. But if it does not help, I shall say nothing. For I see in you what is meant by ‘Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.’ (Psalms17:7)
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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