A merchant was traveling to a market in a faraway city and decided to travel on country roads so he could enjoy a relaxing journey. The scenery was beautiful and the journey was so peaceful. After some hours, the merchant fell asleep at the reins and the horses wandered off the road. When the merchant woke up, he realized he was very lost.
Seeing a farmer tending his field nearby, he stopped to ask for directions. “Can you tell me how far It is to the market in the village of B?” he asked the farmer.
“Well, I don’t rightly know,” the farmer answered. “Well, can you tell me how far I am from the main road leading to the village of B?” the merchant asked again. “Well, I don’t rightly know,” the farmer replied. “Can you at least tell me the quickest way to the main road?” the exasperated businessman asked. “No, I don’t rightly know,” the farmer again answered.
“You really don’t know very much at all, do you?” blurted the impatient merchant. “No, I guess I don’t, but I’m not lost,” the farmer calmly answered.
There are many who depend on their knowledge, but reject the wisdom of faith. They journey through life and find no lasting fulfillment. The “the aim of wisdom is repentance (return to a spiritual state) and good deeds.” (Berachos 17a)
Sadly there are many who extol the practice of good deeds under the guise of belief and faith, but their actions are without spirituality. Many people search for spiritual meaning to the world around them and in their personal lives.
The baal teshuvah is anyone who is in a constant state of return to spiritual and true self, an inner soul that connects to the divine through learning and living faith while (Torah) and doing mitzvahs (good deeds).
The goal of teshuvah-repentance is to change oneself and the world as it is written, “Return to me, says the L-rd of hosts, and I will return to you.” (Zechariah 1:3) So many time people get discouraged and feel inadequate comparing themselves to “religious people” but it is taught that “Where penitents stand, the wholly righteous cannot stand.” (Berachos 34b) “Great is repentance (the return), it brings healing to the world.” (Yoma 86a)
May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)
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Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. (Joel 1:3)
Rachmiel Tobesman is a motivational speaker and Maggid (spiritual Storyteller). He is available for speaking engagements or storytelling, Click here to contact us
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