All Jewish People Have a Share in the World to Come

The man answered, "I heard from many people in the Jewish community that there is a special place called Gan Eden (Garden of Eden – Paradise/Heaven) and that “All Jewish people have a share in the World to Come” (Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1). That's what I would like to receive.")

"We must first ask you a some of questions before we allow you entry. Did you keep Shabbos?" inquired the voice.

The man answered truthfully. "No, I did not."

"Did you pray regularly?"

"No, I did not."

“Did you study Torah (Scriptures)?”

The man sadly answered, “No I did not.”

"Did you keep kosher?"

Once again, the man “No I did not.”

"Did you fast on Yom Kippur?" asked the voice.


"Did you eat matzah on Pesach?"

"No," answered the man once again. "I did not practice any part of Judaism at all because I came from an assimilated family and did not learn anything from the Torah or any of the holy books. Still, I request to be admitted into Gan Eden."

"Gan Eden is reserved for those people who practice and follow the ways of Judaism" explained the voice. "What makes you think that you are deserving of Gan Eden?"

"Because I'm Jewish!" he insisted.

"But how do you expect to go to Gan Eden if you didn't learn Torah or keep any of the traditions of the Jewish people?" argued the voice.

"It's true that I didn't learn Torah or keep the any of the traditions of the Jewish people," stated the man firmly. "But if it was good enough for leaders throughout history that I was Jewish. For that reason and that reason alone they have brutally attacked us and killed countless Jewish people. So I ask why isn't it good enough for You?"

Sounds of debate followed as the Heavenly Court convened and deliberated the departed man's status.

After a few moments, a decision was finally reached. Rabban Yoḥanan ben Zakkai said, “I cry in fear of heavenly judgment, as the judgment of the heavenly court is unlike the judgment of man… I have two paths before me, one of the Garden of Eden and one of Gehenna, and I do not know on which they are leading me; and will I not cry?” (Berachos 28b) The gavel of the Heavenly Court fell and announced the verdict: "Halachah k'Kedoshim! — The law follows the Holy Ones" The nonobservant Jewish man who had died at the hands of those who followed the voice of hatred was permitted entry into Gan Eden.

The Gemara teaches that a Jewish person who is killed prejudice and hatred — even if he was wicked during his lifetime — is worthy of the exalted title "Servant of Hashem (G-d)" (Sanhedrin 47a). We can understand from this that each Jewish person who died a violent death at the hands of prejudice and hatred is considered to be in the lofty category of "Servants of Hashem," and therefore merited Gan Eden.

May all your tales end with Shalom (peace)

Courtesy of Shalom Counseling

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