






I am glad you came to this web page.  I hope reading this will help you.

If you are reading this web page, something sad probably happened in your family. Some one you loved or cared about very much died. It may have been a parent, grandparent, other family member or a friend.

It is really hard to talk about death.  It is even more difficult when someone you know and love dies.

Take a sheet of paper and list as many words as you can that are used to mean death:

Look at all those words. Do they mean different things? Just like the words, you can have so many different feelings when someone dies. You might be sad, angry, mixed-up, or scared. At times, you may not feel anything at all. Your feelings might be going up and down like a roller coaster. One minute, you want to cry, and then, you just don't feel like crying. Some children feel unexpected things, like wanting to act silly, or to laugh a lot. Sometimes, children feel guilty for things they did, or for feelings they had about their loved one. Some children might feel glad that their loved one isn't sick any more. Some children are worried about their parents, or about a loved one who is still alive.

What are some of the ways you have been feeling?

Sometimes it is very hard to show your feelings and so here are a few things that might help. There are things to do, stuff to explore and maybe a little writing if you want.

Click on any of these activities and print out the pages.


Paper Chain of Support

Grief Feelings

The Special Prayer We Call Kaddish

People Who Care About Me


A Blanket Made By Zadie

The Rose's Tale

A Pendant of Memories

The 23rd Psalm Puzzle

Life is a Maze and Love is a Riddle

  spacerShalom Counseling