






Rabbi Rachmiel Tobesman


Psalm 90:1

A  Prayer of Moses, Man of God

0 Lord, You have been our refuge From generation to generation.
Before the mountains were born, Before the earth was fashioned,
From age to age, everlastingly You are God.
But man You tum back to dust. You say: "Return, 0 mortals."
A thousand years are in Your sight
As a passing day, an hour of night.
You sweep men away and they sleep. They flourish for a day, like grass.
In the morning it sprouts afresh; by nightfall it fades and withers.
By Your anger we are consumed, By Your wrath we are overcome.
You set out our sins before You, Our secrets before Your Presence.
Your wrath darkens our days; Our lives expire like a sigh.
Three score and ten our years may number
Four score years if granted the vigor.
Laden with trouble and travail,
Life quickly passes and flies away.
Who can know the power of Your wrath? Who can measure the reverence due You?
Teach us to use all of our days,
That we may attain a heart of wisdom.
Relent, 0 Lord! How long must we suffer? Have compassion upon Your servants.
Grant us of Your love in the morning
That we may joyously sing all our days.
Match days of sorrow with days of joy, Equal to the years we have suffered.
Then Your servants will see Your power, Then their children will know Your glory.
May the Lord our God show us compassion, And may He prosper the work of our hands.
May He prosper the work of our hands.

Psalm 90



Jewish Funeral