






Rabbi Rachmiel Tobesman



Ha-Rokeach, ("The Perfumer"), a halachic guide to ethics and Jewish Law for the common reader was written by Rabbi Elazar of Worms (c. 1176 – 1238) who is most commonly known as the Rokeach. He was also a student of Rabbi Yehudah haChasid.

Meditation from the Rokeach

The pious Jewish person bears the burden of his People’s Faith, holds worldly delights in contempt, is master of his passions and, in sooth, has God continually before his eyes. The path which his feet tread is straightforward, and the words he utters soft and gentle. He rears his children to a worthy life, and sees that they have betimes homes of their own. He is of a contented mind, and rejoices when the world goes well with others. He loves his neighbours and friends, lends to the needy, gives alms secretly, and does good purely for God’s sake. Men of this sort do not exalt themselves above others, indulge in no idle talk, long not wretchedly for the love in woman’s eyes, are silent when blame is poured on them; for their thoughts are ever with Him Whose praises are sung by their faithful lips.

My son, free yourself from passion and desire before your light is quenched, before your soul is required of you, before the Book of your deeds is opened for Judgment. Let the fear of God breed in you the habit of silence, for much speech can hardly be without sin. And when you dost speak, speak truth only, never praise of yourself, but moderate thought in modest words.

Rokeach, by R. Elazar of Worms (died 1238)


Jewish Funeral